Ashley's fight is our fight!
$1,203.80 raised of $1,500.00 goal
Sep 3, 2024 to Nov 30, 2024

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On June 30 Ashley was brought to the emergency room after not feeling well for several days. She was admitted for testing as a mass was found in her upper chest.
On July 1st the mass was confirmed to be Lymphoma. The Liston's next few months would be turned upside down as they had a whole summer planned with several activities and trips as a family. July 2nd started the treatment process with meeting with a radiologist where Ashley learned she would need 5 rounds of radiation.
On July 10, she met with the Oncologist. The decision was made to start chemotherapy right away. Ashley would be admitted to Seton Main July 11th to get things started. After 7, very long days, in the hospital round 1 was done! Ashley was released and back home with her family.
On July 18th she completed her final radiation treatment and received her first WBC shot, which she later learned was not very fun. So far we have learned from the PET scan that the chemotherapy is working, PRAISE GOD! Ashley will go through 6 rounds total of chemotherapy. The rest of the rounds she will be able to do outpatient at the clinic but will still run 24 hours a day.
On September 11, Ashley had a second PET scan to see how the treatments were working. September 16th round 4 of chemotherapy started after Ashley and Mark met with her oncologist. They found out the most amazing news. There is NO ACTIVE CANCER in her body!! This also means that the balance of her chemotherapy treatments will be less aggressive. God is SO good!
There is a Lymphoma walk scheduled on November 2nd in Austin. Ashley and family are looking forward to celebrating her journey by participating in. The t-shirts were made for the walk or to show support from afar. All the proceeds from t-shirt sales and donations will be given to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Ashley is truly a warrior and it handling all of this like a champ! Keeping kicking cancer's booty!
Ways to support this online t-shirt fundraiser:
Shop + Give: 40% of any purchase is donated.
Crowdfunding: 100% of cash donations (minus standard fees) will be gifted to the foundation.
Other ways to show support:
Below is a link to provide a meal to the Liston Family:
This link is more information about the Lymphoma walk:
Stay up to date and follow this cause to success!
Ashley has completed 6 rounds of chemotherapy!!
She will have another PET scan in 4 weeks to check on the status of the cancer. After this scan, she will continue with CT scans and blood to closely monitor.
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your love, support, kind words, generosity, etc. This has been a journey ?
Shop CAUSETEAM Merch - 40% of every purchase is donated.