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Foundation 2 Fostering Futures

Foundation 2 Fostering Futures

Fostering Futures is an umbrella of services that supports vulnerable youth with Iowa Aftercare, AMP, Higher Education, and Violence Prevention.

Bayview Bay-Bies

Bayview Bay-Bies

Support NICU families & Bayview Hospital team in Baltimore, MD. Funds provide gifts & supplies, aiding those without the same support we fortunately had during our 137 days in the NICU.

Eastern Iowa Freedom from Hunger

Eastern Iowa Freedom from Hunger

HACAP Food Reservoir's Summer Food and Fund Drive aims to alleviate stress on families facing food insecurity. You can help by supporting Eastern Iowa Freedom from Hunger today!

The Keas to a Cure | 2024

The Keas to a Cure | 2024

Help me fundraise for a cure during Cystic Fibrosis awareness month!

Help with Jacey's Medical Expenses

Help with Jacey's Medical Expenses

Jacey has endometriosis, an incurable and debilitating condition, and while a recent surgery shows promise of relief, years of medical expenses have created a significant financial burden. Help alleviate the stress of these expenses by donating today.

Stroke Awareness - UnityPoint Health | Cedar Rapids

Stroke Awareness - UnityPoint Health | Cedar Rapids

Our dedicated team of providers continually works to improve heart health of their patients and educate the community on preventing heart disease. Leading a healthy lifestyle and addressing heart problems early are key to preventing a stroke.

The Missing “Peace”

The Missing “Peace”

Hello, we’re the Peaces! We are so excited to be potentially bringing home a precious baby boy in just a couple months! We would never have dreamed it could happen so quickly! With little time to prepare we are asking for your help to fulfill this dream!

Gideon's Mission Trip

Gideon's Mission Trip

I have the opportunity to serve on a mission trip with Southeastern Seminary. We will traveling to church plants in Baltimore and Philadelphia. We will be serving in various ministry needs that will aid these young churches in the work they are doing.

SPARK Kindness 2024

SPARK Kindness 2024

Every time we do something to help our community grow more kind, resilient and welcoming, we SPARK KINDNESS.

Hopeful Mama Foundation

Hopeful Mama Foundation

Hopeful Mama Foundation's mission is support women through their infertility journey by offering fertility financial grants, educational workshops and infertility support groups.

In memory of Alexis Grace Bezilla

In memory of Alexis Grace Bezilla

This October, I am taking on a personal challenge: to climb Mount Kilimanjaro while raising funds for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. My hope is that together, we can give hope and support families who are navigating an incredibly difficult time.

In Memoriam of Micah Elizabeth Hackbarth

In Memoriam of Micah Elizabeth Hackbarth

Micah Elizabeth Hackbarth passed away after 26 days of life to a rare infant leukemia. Her parents Jacob and Sarah Hackbarth are using this CausePage to raise funds for other families struggling with similar medical situations.

Gideon the Brave’s Heart Surgery

Gideon the Brave’s Heart Surgery

Gideon the Brave is a sweet & funny 4 year old boy who has fought his way through 3 major open heart surgeries and now prepares for another unexpected heart surgery. We ask for your support to raise funds for related expenses to travel. #Gideonthebrave